Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Stocking Up On Corn For The Winter

So like I said I had a little extra time last night after dinner to work on some other stuff in the kitchen so thought I would share.

Yesterday while I was shopping at Wal-Mart for this weeks meals I also price matched a few produce items. I got 14 ears of corn at 7 for $0.99 = 14 for $1.98, 15 Jalapeno Peppers at 1 lb for $0.99 = they came to a little over 1 lb for $0.58, and 4 cucumbers for $0.99. Later on I will be making Jalapeno poppers with the peppers and cucumber salad with, of course, the cucumbers. I did get all of my corn blanched and put in the freezer last night. This method of blanching is used on most vegetables before freezing to keep the good nutrients in them.

First I shucked all of the ears and then broke them into half. You can also leave them whole if you like or if you plan to cut the corn off of the ears, see note below, before you freeze it. I just leave them in halves when they go into the freezer as I like to eat the corn off of the cob but you can do it either way is best for you.

NOTE: If you plan to cut the corn off of the cob only blanch for 4 minutes in boiling water. 

Next I boiled water on the stove and then put 7 ears/14 halves into the water. Unless you have some really skinny ears you usually boil them in the water for 10 minutes. I usually set the timer for 12 minutes to give the water time to come back up to a boil as the corn cools it down a bit. Also while the corn is boiling get a large bowl of ice water ready.

Once the timer goes off immediately place the corn directly into the ice water for the same amount of time that it was in the boiling water. I usually just bring the whole pot over next to the sink where my ice water is and use tongs to put the corn into the water. I repeted this process one more time with the same water in the pot used for the first batch and did this to the other 7 ears of corn.

Lastly I roll each half in plastic wrap and place them in Gallon Ziplock Freezer bags and remove as much air as possible. If you are planning to cut the corn off of the cob, check the note above, just place the corn into a Ziplock Freezer bag and remove as much air as possible or use a vacumm sealer if you have one. (My sealer broke :( and not enough money to replace it just yet.)

So there you have it corn put away for winter/future use. All you have to do is put it back in boiling water and boil until corn is tender and it's ready to eat! I like to do bulk buying and freezing of anything I can which is usually produce but some times other items. I will be doing more and posting them as I get to them.

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