Monday, September 20, 2010

Saturday 9/18

Stuffed Manicotti Shells

I decided to try and make the shells ahead of time and freeze them until saturday nights dinner. They were delicious and I didn't spend a lot of time on saturday dinner at all. My recipe for Stuffed Manicotti Shells makes about 20 shells.

Click here for instructions on how to bake shells three different ways. Fresh, Frozen in the oven, and Frozen in the crock pot. I would have liked to try the crock pot to keep the house cooler during our 109 degree heat wave but I didn't think about it enough before hand.

Here are some of the shells frozen. I just placed them in a Ziplock Gallon Freezer bag.

Here are the shells done. Of course they are all covered in pasta sauce and topped with Cheddar Cheese and Parmesan Cheese. Mmmm, they were soooo good :)

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