
I am also signed up as a volunteer on the Polly Klaas website to pass out fliers of missing children. Every time a flyer is released an email is sent out to all volunteers. Once a child is found they send out emails to the volunteers as a way for them to keep track of the flyers that are no longer needed. All of their voluteers are not required to pass out flyers or told how many to pass out. This is strictly a volunteer program that you can sign up for and help spread the word about missing children by distributing fliers at your own pace, your own time, and at whatever locations you think would benefit the search for that child.

What I do with the flyers are two different things. I usually try to post them on community mail boxes that I see including my neighborhood and I also post them on my Yahoo Answers profile so that people can view them. I have also decided to post them on my blog so you will see a running list of the most recent flyers that have been released along with the link to all of the missing children flyers are activly missing on my Photobucket account.

If you would like to become a volunteer go to their website, click on the eVolunteer tab on the left, select "for more information click here" and then click on volunteer today. It does not cost anything and is free to you.

Here are TWO most recent missing child posters that have been released.

                                        You can also check out other missing children fliers on my photobucket profile. http://s994.photobucket.com/albums/af62/horselv2003/Missing%20Children/
and the children that have been found